Jokers Hill

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Speaking of creatures ...

Not much time to post, but I want to get these images up -- Yesterday afternoon when I went to the research barn about 3:30, I found tracks in the fresh snow. Something had wandered back and forth in the drive in front of the barn, kind of ambling, looking about. I reckon it was a crow -- and I photographed its tracks.

Earlier in the winter I also took photographs of other tracks: rabbit, I think, and deer. 

There are lots of deer tracks, and I must try to get a better photograph of them. I saw a trail yesterday when I walked, but the tracks had been half filled in by the blowing snow. However, last night as I was eating dinner six deer picked their way across my view. Utterly lovely. 

But that's not it for creatures -- I also photographed this mysterious stuff -- 

After consulting with Robin Marushia ... might it be a fungus? ... the conclusion is: SCAT ... likely coyote scat. The animal appears to have been eating fruit and/or vegetables ... a vegetarian coyote? 


  1. Somehow the pictures you have taken of the crow tracks look like an art work to me - as if some birds are flying... In the first picture they are heading left and in the second picture heading right. I had to smile at this thought. Nature and imagination can go hand in hand.

  2. I just realized I had missed picture # 1 in my above comment. So in fact "my birds" are "flying" or heading this direction :
    picture # 1 (with only 2 tracks) right
    picture # 2 left
    picture # 3 right

  3. You're right ZZ, there is something quite bird-shaped about those tracks. I hadn't noticed. Thanks for pointing it out.
